Catastrophic Back & Spinal Injuries from Car Crashes

An injury to the spinal cord is one of the most serious injuries that the human body can sustain. This type of injury often occurs in high-speed car crashes. However, severe injuries to the back can also occur in car crashes at relatively slow speeds upon impact. Victims who experience these injuries often require significant treatment, surgery, and sometimes long term support to maintain a certain quality of life.

Spinal cord injuries

Spinal cord injuries occur when the nerves around the spinal cord are injured. The ability to repair these nerves has eluded scientists and the medical profession. Victims of these injuries are often left to rely on clinical trials in experimental treatments.

Spinal fractures

If a seatbelt fails to keep your body in place during impact, you could suffer a spinal fracture. This happens when the torso and head are tossed around, but the lower half the body is secured in place. A specific type of fracture that is known as a compression fracture can also occur. Compression fractures are a type of spinal fracture in which there are small cracks along the vertebrae. The fracture appears like a cracked piece of glass or a crumbled cookie. Symptoms may involve pain when breathing or when walking or sitting down. Victims may also experience muscle weakness, numbness, and bladder issues. In some cases, the fractures are treated by an outpatient procedure where the cracks are filled with a concrete like substance that is injected into the cracks and aimed at filling the cracks. In more rare settings, formal surgery is required. Another case of healing is facilitated through the rest and remaining in an immobile position.

Catastrophic Back & Spinal Injuries from Car Crashes


Commonly known as a “slipped disc”, spondylolisthesis occurs when vertebrae move out of their original location. Depending upon the degree of spondylolisthesis (I-IV) the spinal canal or the nerves can be compressed with this condition. Weakness, pain, numbness, and difficulty walking are other symptoms of the condition. Surgery and in physical therapy are treatment options, depending on the severity of the vertebrae displacement.

Spinal cord injuries in Oklahoma

Herniated and ruptured disc injuries

A number of vertebrae comprise the neck (cervical), mid-back (thoracic) and low back (lumbar) spine. These vertebrae are bony casings that surround and protect the spinal column. Each level of the vertebrae is kept from rubbing against the other by jelly filled discs positioned in between each pair of vertebrae. The forces exerted in a car crash can cause the discs to move, rip, and sometimes rupture. When this happens, the victim experiences a herniated, bulging, protruding or ruptured disc. The symptoms of this injury include a feeling of numbness and pain that radiates throughout certain areas of the body, often the limbs. In some cases, physical therapy, chiropractic care and epidural steroid injections are prescribed. However, in more serious cases, surgery is required for some ruptured and herniated disc injuries.

Spinal Injuries from Car Crashes

Facet joint injuries

Facet joints operate as self-lubricating hinges in between vertebrae of the spine. They are sometimes injured in car accidents. These joints enable the body to move, twist, and bend. Treatment may include chiropractic care, facet injections, physical therapy, ablation procedures, or dry needling.

Whiplash injuries

One of the most common injuries that occurs in the area of the spine and neck as a result of a car accident is whiplash. Not only can whiplash affect the neck, it can also injure the spine.

Have you been injured by a driver area due to that driver’s negligence? If so, Tulsa car crash attorney Jacob Biby can work vigorously on your behalf to fight for the compensation you deserve. To set up a free consultation, call Biby Law Firm today at 918.574.8458 or use our contact form. We work on a contingency fee basis to pursue your financial recovery.